
Contrat Address: E3Qrp62HuGerngFvUuKafbmZXyd3sS4H8QbeUobcq37r

Total supply of tokens

  • Total Supply: 981.290.000 $PARCHI

  • Liquidity Pool was burned when launched on Raydium

Distribution breakdown $PARCHI TOKEN

When the coins are released on Moonshot, 28% of the total supply will be immediately purchased. This strategic move is aimed at ensuring the stability of the coin by preventing any sudden market fluctuations. This portion of the coins will remain untouched and will be vested for a certain period, adding an additional layer of stability and trust among investors. However, there are two specific wallets that will be active during this period: the Marketing wallet and the Airdrop wallet.

The Marketing wallet will be managed with a community-driven approach. Any expenditure from this wallet will require approval from the community, which will be facilitated through a voting system. This democratic process ensures that the marketing strategies align with the collective interests and goals of the community, fostering a sense of ownership and participation among coin holders.

Additionally, the Airdrop wallet will be used for competitions and to reward early investors for their support and loyalty. By doing so, it not only incentivizes early adoption but also helps in building a robust and engaged community around the coin.

The remaining 72% of the coins will be made available to the community upon launch on Moonshot, ensuring ample liquidity and opportunities for new investors to participate in the project. This balanced approach aims to create a stable yet dynamic ecosystem for the coin, driven by both strategic planning and community involvement.

Distribution breakdown $PARCHI GAME REVENUE

The revenue we receive from the game will be divided as follow.

To ensure the sustainability and benefit for all stakeholders involved, we have devised a strategic allocation plan for our resources. This allocation is designed to nurture continuous growth, incentivize community engagement, and enhance the overall value of $PARCHI.

Firstly, 25% of our resources will be dedicated to the maintenance and continuous development of the system. This allocation ensures that our platform remains robust, efficient, and capable of evolving with technological advancements. Regular updates and improvements will keep the system user-friendly and secure, fostering a dependable environment for all users.

Secondly, 15% of the resources will be invested in marketing efforts to promote and expand the $PARCHI community. Effective marketing strategies will help us reach a broader audience, attract new users, and increase overall engagement. By growing our community, we enhance the network's value and create more opportunities for collaboration and innovation.

Additionally, 10% will be airdropped as prize money to the winners from the leaderboard. This incentive is designed to reward active participation and encourage a competitive spirit within the community. Recognizing and rewarding top contributors will motivate ongoing engagement and foster a thriving ecosystem.

Furthermore, 20% of the resources will be allocated to the owners and team in acknowledgment of their hard work and support. This compensation is crucial for maintaining a dedicated and motivated team that can continue driving the project forward. Their efforts are the backbone of our success, and fair remuneration ensures their sustained commitment.

Lastly, 30% will be invested directly into $PARCHI and immediately burned to boost the coin's value. This strategic move reduces the overall supply of $PARCHI, thereby increasing its scarcity and potentially driving up its market value. By doing so, we aim to enhance the long-term value of the coin for all holders.

This balanced allocation of resources is designed to support the ongoing development, growth, and success of the $PARCHI ecosystem, ensuring that all stakeholders benefit from a thriving and sustainable community.

Last updated